Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goliath Grouper (Jewfish)

Goliath Grouper are forms of bass that can grow to huge sizes, which are 8.4 feet long and over 800 pounds. Another name for a goliath grouper is a itajara. The gliath grouper is usually found in shallow warm reefs or atrificial reefs in the atlnatic ocean. The only enimies that these huge animals are faced with are large barracuda and large sharks. I found a video online with a man named capt. chancy and he catches these alot, and by the looks of how he reels them in they are tough fighters. Another name for a goliath grouper (more of a slang term) is the Jewfish, they say that this name originated from the fishes meat, they say its very clean like a kosher food, and jewish people eat alot of kosher food so this is how the name came about. The goliath grouper is the largest grouper specis  in florida.

The Jewfish has tiny eyes disproportionate to the size of its head and body, with the space between the eyes being flattened or depressed. The Jewfish has a rounded anal fin, and a dorsal fin of two distinct parts, with 11 spines that are shorter than the rays. The Jewfish is highly territorial and feeds predominately on crustaceans including lobsters, sea turtles, sting rays, and small fishes. The Jewfish can be confused with the Giant Sea Bass, Stereolepis gigas (straight caudal tail, large brown spots on sides and strongly notched dorsal fin, pointed anal fin); and the Spotted Cabrilla, Epinephelus analogus (larger pupil sized more uniformly distributed spots on its body, 10 dorsal spines, space between the eyes is curved and elevated and four faint bars on their sides). Thank you from mex fish for this paragraph and only this paragraph they did a good job explaining in depth the jew fish that is why i put this paragraph in this post.

Enjoy this clip below of a jewfish breaking fishing poles and fighting hard

The link ive placed below is to the best set of goliath grouper dvds i could find

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