Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2-3 Pound Small Mouth Bass

whats up everybody, welcome to the first post of the hook a big one blog, im really exited to be doing this, you can look forward to me doing reviews, showing pictures of fish that ive caught that day and videos of realing big fish in, lots of good stuff to look forward to.

take a look at this fish, just a 2-3 pounder that i caught today. today it was really slow till, i put my pole down for thirty seconds, till i relized that i had a fish on. i was using a threeway when i caught this bass, e fought pretty hard, but the fight didnt really start till he relized that he was surfacing, thats when he started to dive deep and give me some trouble.
The bait i was using was 2 dozen live crayfish, the bait store i buy them from freezes the live bait so it lasts longer, which i personally think doesnt work very well because, the crayfish wake up after your already through a dozen of the crayfish. I fiqured out a trick for this though. If you simply take 6 at a time out, put them in your hand and blow on them then warm up and wake up.
This is the first post of my new blog here so its a little short but thank you very much for reading, and i will be updating very soon, i just purchased a under water case for my video camera, so im looking forward to filming some fish being brought in.

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