Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goliath Grouper (Jewfish)

Goliath Grouper are forms of bass that can grow to huge sizes, which are 8.4 feet long and over 800 pounds. Another name for a goliath grouper is a itajara. The gliath grouper is usually found in shallow warm reefs or atrificial reefs in the atlnatic ocean. The only enimies that these huge animals are faced with are large barracuda and large sharks. I found a video online with a man named capt. chancy and he catches these alot, and by the looks of how he reels them in they are tough fighters. Another name for a goliath grouper (more of a slang term) is the Jewfish, they say that this name originated from the fishes meat, they say its very clean like a kosher food, and jewish people eat alot of kosher food so this is how the name came about. The goliath grouper is the largest grouper specis  in florida.

The Jewfish has tiny eyes disproportionate to the size of its head and body, with the space between the eyes being flattened or depressed. The Jewfish has a rounded anal fin, and a dorsal fin of two distinct parts, with 11 spines that are shorter than the rays. The Jewfish is highly territorial and feeds predominately on crustaceans including lobsters, sea turtles, sting rays, and small fishes. The Jewfish can be confused with the Giant Sea Bass, Stereolepis gigas (straight caudal tail, large brown spots on sides and strongly notched dorsal fin, pointed anal fin); and the Spotted Cabrilla, Epinephelus analogus (larger pupil sized more uniformly distributed spots on its body, 10 dorsal spines, space between the eyes is curved and elevated and four faint bars on their sides). Thank you from mex fish for this paragraph and only this paragraph they did a good job explaining in depth the jew fish that is why i put this paragraph in this post.

Enjoy this clip below of a jewfish breaking fishing poles and fighting hard

The link ive placed below is to the best set of goliath grouper dvds i could find

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Some Huge Bass and Sheep Head

today we went fishing and we decided instead of trying to get quantity would would try and get just acouple big one. We suceeded. We went to a deep spot where we started are drift at 15 feet and then as the drift kept going, there was a drop off, and this is where all the bass would sit. The spot went from 15 feet to 30 feet, so there was a drop of 15 feet. Also another cool thing about these bass was as we kept getting deeper, the bass kept getting darker. Also we caught a 6 pound sheep head so i put that picture in here to.

here is one of the darkest, this bass was 3 pounds, and was caught at the deep spot

a nice three pound bass, this one isnt the darkest, we are not yet in the deep spot

this is the 6 pound sheep head

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Slurpies Lure Review

short tailed slurpies in the tackle box they came with

long tailed slurpies tackle box

hey everybody, this is joe, and i would like to do review of the slurpies series of lure. So lets start off with the texture of the slurpie lures. The rubber is very sticky rubber, and it has a nice layer over the top of the actual lure that attracts fish to it.

picture of the short tailed slurpies

Next i would like to talk about the price. The price is very good considering the quality and durability of the lures, also the amount the kit comes with is great, it comes with 22 pcs, and also it comes with two tacle boxes, one tackle box is larger than the other, and it comes with more slurpies, also there are more of the shorter tailed slurpies then of the long tailed slurpies, I personally think that the short tailed slurpies work better. Also the slurpies come with shiners that you can also put on the slurpies. The final price of the slurpies was 14.99.

Now im going to talk about the variety that this 22pc kit comes with. It has alot of variety between all the different tails and different sizes and all the colors theres alot of combos that you can choose from. The only thing i dont like about the variety that makes all 22pcs a little generic is that all the hook sizes are really close to each other, so even on the smaller ones the hooks are really big.

long tailed slurpies, with shiners

Frabill HiberNet Review

the hiber net right next to the gaff like i explain further in this post

Hey everybody its Joe, And today im going to do a review on the new Frabill hiber net. So lets start out with the appearance and strength of the net. The apperance is really nice with the matte orange paint as the base for the whole net. Another thing i liked about the appearance and structure of the net was that the net was a very durable metal but still light and portable. another thing that i liked about the net was that the grip that slides the net out of the metal handle. Also i like that the net is about the size of a gaff, so the net fits right where the gaff goes, that is why i personally bought this net, because the other nets that couldnt fit under the boat would always fly out and sink right away, where now you just put the net next to the gaff and forget about it till you have a HUGE FISH. The net itself has alot of great features, For example, the end of the net is flexible, so you can grab the fish if it alittle far, evern though the metal handle is pretty long this feature helps alot. And the last thing i like about this net is that it has a triangle shaped head which allows for better control.

Even though there is alot good about this net, there is also alittle bad. so lets get to it, and get it over with. So i didnt like how hard it was to lock the net in once you got the whole net out, so when you have a fish on the line and your trying to undo the net its really hard to click the net in and hold a fishing pole at the same time. But i fiqured out a way to conquer this problem, simply just undo the net and click it in before you put your line in the water. And just alittle thing that i dont like very much is that they put a grip on the end of the metal handle which is nice, but now that they put that on you can no longer put it in a fishing rod holder.

Ok now i want to talk about the price of the frabil hiber net, now i would say that this net is very well priced considetring how versatile it is, For example, the feature that the net goes in to the handle for better space for walking around instead of everything on your deck, and also considering how strong but light the metal is on the handle of the frabil hibernet. the price of the frabil hiber is 80 dollasr after tax in New York.

this is showing the triangle head of the hiber net

this is showing that at the corners of the net there is strong wires to keep flexibility.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2-3 Pound Small Mouth Bass

whats up everybody, welcome to the first post of the hook a big one blog, im really exited to be doing this, you can look forward to me doing reviews, showing pictures of fish that ive caught that day and videos of realing big fish in, lots of good stuff to look forward to.

take a look at this fish, just a 2-3 pounder that i caught today. today it was really slow till, i put my pole down for thirty seconds, till i relized that i had a fish on. i was using a threeway when i caught this bass, e fought pretty hard, but the fight didnt really start till he relized that he was surfacing, thats when he started to dive deep and give me some trouble.
The bait i was using was 2 dozen live crayfish, the bait store i buy them from freezes the live bait so it lasts longer, which i personally think doesnt work very well because, the crayfish wake up after your already through a dozen of the crayfish. I fiqured out a trick for this though. If you simply take 6 at a time out, put them in your hand and blow on them then warm up and wake up.
This is the first post of my new blog here so its a little short but thank you very much for reading, and i will be updating very soon, i just purchased a under water case for my video camera, so im looking forward to filming some fish being brought in.